National HIV Conference

Mr. Harold Phillips, director of the White House Office of National AIDS Policy
Mrs. Raniyah Copeland, former president and CEO of the Black AIDS Institute
Ms. Tori Cooper, director of community engagement for the Transgender Justice Initiative – Human Rights Campaign
Dr. Michael Saag, associate dean for Global Health, director of the UAB Center for AIDS Research, and professor of medicine at the University of Alabama at Birmingham

Through this national conference, Indiana University has been able to provide a platform for all sectors of society to come together and respond to the HIV/AIDS epidemic. There are many HIV/AIDS conferences, but few focus on higher education and reach college students. As an institution of higher learning, we believe it is our responsibility to amplify a message for better HIV prevention and treatment on college campuses. Bringing together experts across disciplines inside and outside higher education to discuss this important topic is part of this mission.

James C. Wimbush, vice president for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Community Dialogue Summary

A series of community conversations took place throughout the conference focusing on five key tracks: Research, Federal-Ending the HIV Epidemic, Community, CBO - Health Departments, Rural. The closing session, led by Ace Robinson, M.H.L., M.P.H., Federal AIDS Policy Partnership, provides a summary of discussions and next steps.

Hear from National Leaders

On Illuminating - Season 2

Guest host Bruce Smail, LGBTQ+ Culture Center director and special assistant to the vice president for diversity, equity, and Inclusion at Indiana University presents an eight-part series featuring conversations with national leaders about the current state of HIV/AIDS in this country, how to reach at-risk populations (especially college students), prevention resources, and treatment and care.

Listen Today

Bruce Smail

It was amazing to see the level of dialogue and engagement amongst conference participants. The conference provided unique opportunities to network and dialogue with higher education and HIV/AIDS practitioners. Many felt the ample time for reflection and engagement was unique to this HIV conference. Overall, it was a great success.

Bruce E. Smail, director of the LGBTQ+ Culture Center, special assistant to the vice president for diversity, equity, and inclusion, and IUNHC chair
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