Today I am thinking of George Floyd’s family and all who grieve for those who have lost their lives too soon. The decision of the court to find Derek Chauvin guilty is no doubt a relief but by no means an end. While the temptation to move on from this tumultuous time may seem appealing, it is vital we do not forget that there is still work to be done. Celebrating justice is wonderful, but it means very little if we grow content and assume that all has been made right in the world. Together we must continue to move forward and constantly address our relationship with race —whether personal, professional, or institutional—to ensure a more equitable, fair, and just future for us all. If you feel the need to take a moment and breathe a sigh of relief, please do so with the knowledge there is more to be done tomorrow.
April - Verdict in the Death of George Floyd
Monday, April 19, 2021