Indiana Latino Expo

Indiana Latino Expo

Visit Indiana University during the Indiana Latino Expo and get a glimpse into your future. With representatives from each of IU's nine campuses, take virtual tours and discover how IU can prepare you for success.

You can learn about Indiana’s 21st Century Scholars Program, confirm student enrollment, or check statuses with Indiana Commission for Higher Education representatives. This is a chance to get all your questions answered in one place. Students can also complete 9th – 12th grade scholar track requirements and learn about IU’s supplementary scholarships, academic support, student life and other resources, personal and professional development, and step-by-step guidance students receive to make sure they complete their degrees on time.

Entry is free all weekend! Students will receive a FREE IU gift.

A Commitment to Education for Diverse Students

I am proud to be a part of the Indiana University community and its decades-long commitment to creating diverse and inclusive environments where all can succeed, from admission to graduation.

Indiana University Staff Member
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